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Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversions

Professional Outsourced Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services

Converting your raster images to vector files is the first step in any 2D to 3D conversion. You can’t do anything on CAD with raster images, yet that’s the default file that you get when you scan a physical drawing — every pdf, png, and jpeg file is an example of a raster image, while a dwg or sldprt file are vectors.

Engineering companies across the country trust CAD/CAM Services for our professional R2V conversion services. We don’t use automatic software for these conversions, in almost every case we manually redraw the raster image. This is just one way that we can guarantee CAD Perfect CAD Conversions®.

Professional Outsourced Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services
What Are Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services? 

What Are Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services? 

With our raster to vector conversion services, you can transform a scanned image into a CAD-optimized file. A raster image is just a series of pixels, or tiny dots. These dots aren’t connected, and they don’t mean anything when you open the file in CATIA, NX, Creo, or SolidWorks. A vector file has lines that are connected with specific lengths and directions. Every CAD file needs vectors in order to extrude, measure, or create solid parts.

But, raster images are what you get by default when you scan a document. The process of transforming this scanned image into a file filled with vectors that your CAD program can use is a time-consuming and complicated process. That’s why so many people choose CAD/CAM Services for our R2V conversion services.

Why Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services Matters

There are a ton of companies that offer raster to vector conversions, but they simply run your files through an automatic conversion software. While this might be okay for DIY projects or parts that aren’t important, it can be super risky and time-consuming for more important projects — especially ones that involve company secrets. 

Whenever you upload a raster image within these programs, they have the right to steal your information and sell it to the highest bidder. Not to mention, the accuracy and precision of this software is really unreliable. You can get vector files that aren’t connected, have wrong dimensions, and are only half done. It’s not worth the headache.

Instead, you need am R2V conversion service that does everything manually. At CAD/CAM Services, we’ll redraw every single line from scratch. Doing this is a great way to check your drawing’s quality, fix any mistakes, and guarantee that the final product will be CAD Perfect®. 

To put it simply, going with the wrong company can be really dangerous, waste your time, and waste your money.

Why Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services Matters

When people choose CAD/CAM Services for their raster to vector conversions, they’re signing up with engineering professionals. We have a team of over 100 engineers and draftsmen that can offer a lot of benefits to your company:

Faster results.

With our engineers working staggered shifts, we offer 24/7 engineering efforts. With around-the-clock progress, you’ll get results even faster.

Better accuracy and quality checks.

Throughout the raster to vector conversion process, we’ll be checking every dimension for accuracy and removing any stray lines or needless dimensions. 

CAD Perfect® results.

We are the only company in America that can offer CAD Perfect® results, and we stand by that claim with every project we agree to.

We keep your secrets secret.

We take your intellectual property very seriously. We will happily sign any NDAs and use DoD-trusted files haring platforms to keep you secure and your files encrypted.

We can handle massive projects.

We just recently finished a project for Amazon that involved creating millions of 3D CAD models from 2D drawings — yes, millions. Needless to say, we can handle your project, no matter how big and complicated it is.

What Goes into Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services from CAD/CAM Services?

Our raster to vector conversion services all follow the same general flow, but there is plenty of room for customization. In most cases, we’ll start with a consultation. This is your opportunity to tell us what you need, how big the project is, any specifications you have, and what CAD program you’d like to receive files in.

Next, our engineers and draftsmen get to work. We’ll take 2D scans of your existing drawings if you don’t have any, and then we’ll pull up the scanned image on our computer and start modeling from scratch in your CAD software of choice. By creating native CAD files, you’ll enjoy more functionality and value with every file we send you.

Before sending you anything, we’ll go through a round of peer reviews and quality checks to ensure each document is CAD Perfect®. We’ll digitally send the finished product to you, and make any edits that you’d like. We don’t consider the project “finished” until you love the work you received.

What Goes into Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services from CAD/CAM Services?
Our Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services Include: 

Our Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversion Services Include: 

  • 2D Scanning
  • Mylar to CAD Conversion
  • 2D and 3D CAD Conversions
  • Complicated Engineering, Drafting, and Designing
  • Manual Raster to Vector (R2V) Conversions
  • Full Document Digitization
  • And Much More (Including Custom Services)

Get a Quote Today

If you have one drawing or a room full of Mylar drawings, we’re here to help. We can convert every physical drawing into a professional 3D CAD file in a matter of days. There’s a reason why CAD/CAM Services is the most respected outsourcing engineering company in America — contact us today to see the difference and get your own CAD Perfect CAD Conversion® files.

Get a Quote Today


CAD Conversion FAQs
What do you need to provide me with an accurate quote?

We need to know source CAD and target CAD software. Since large quantity orders can be discounted by us you can provide us with the number of parts you need to be converted.

If you tell us the desired purpose of the conversion we can offer you some conversion options. We can also convert your files into vendor-neutral file types (.STEP, .STL, etc,).

Please email us even cell phone photos, and the rough size of what you wish scanned and converted [email protected].

What do I get?

You get native Cad Perfect™ files with the full-featured model tree (where applicable, since some file types have no trees), and features can be fully parametric. It all depends on your goals.  We prefer to not translate any files. Our goal is to deliver to you a file that you do not have to touch. Our work is exactly as if you had reproduced that work in-house.

Which CAD file formats do you work with?

All the CAD file formats are listed on this page but bear in mind that we also work with exotic and legacy CAD systems.  After 31 years of providing CAD Services, we have run into almost any CAD file format.

Which CAD systems do you work with?

We support all the modern CAD systems including SolidWorks, Catia, Siemens NX, PTC Creo, Inventor, Revit, AutoCAD, and many others.

I have some weird CAD files from the previous century, can you help me?

Yes, absolutely. We can perform legacy CAD conversions.  Just send us some example files, and what CAD system we need to wind up in, and let us design the best solution for you.We have worked with old Computer Vision tapes, Anvil, and many other 1980’s systems.

Digitizing FAQs
What is the average raster to vector (R2V) 2-D conversion price?

The typical AEC D & E size sheet is $135. There are possible discounts depending on the job size. The more you convert the less you pay.  The bulk of the files we produce are for AutoCAD.

Creating models and drawings over scanned analog documents seem so easy – why such a low price?

In order to make an accurate representation, you have to calibrate the original drawing, which may have deformed during its storage period. Non-dimensioned mediums need to be thoroughly calibrated before digitizing.

Parts of scanned data may be lost due to time and other factors. Because it is important to recreate the design intent,  we need to recreate lost data.

You ONLY receive  Cad Perfect™ files – as if you had drawn these by hand.

Do you support BIM modeling?

Using Revit, yes we do.  Think of BIM as an intelligent 3D model of your building.  We know exactly where all of the HVAC is, IT cabling, electrical, the cost of doors and windows, when mechanical systems need to be serviced, all the way to a room number with a phone number and IP in that room. In addition to our Ray Tracing technology to support some very life-like photo renderings.

What is DHS – Critical Infrastructure Products

The Department of Homeland Security protocol  PPD-21 requirement has deemed that sixteen (16) industries and services are critical to our US Nations security.

These industries  require additional security protocols when creating CAD files. CAD / CAM Services follows all of these requirements. Think of industries and info structures such as power, water, along with fourteen (14) other industries.  For a full list please see Critical Infrastructure Products.

What is a “Calibrated” Mylar image?

Mylar films can be stored in climate-controlled facilities. However, films get skewed and change sizes over time – ironically not linear. So what changes on one end, does not apply to what is in the middle, or the other end.  We have seen ‘J’ size Aerospace Mylars (about 48×180”), vary by a full inch.

CAD/CAM Services utilizes a proprietary process to make Mylar raster images dead on a 5” or 10” grid. Our process was developed in conjunction with, and approved by Boeing engineers.

General CAD Questions
How do I send a sample, in order to get a quote?

Fill out our quote form, attach your files, or simply send us an email. Tell everything about your project, like the model purpose.

For smaller files < 15 MB you can simply email them to us.  For something larger, just drop them in any number of drop boxes like Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive and others.  Or if you would like, just contact us for a private, hardened link.

It is fine to use most any time of compression such as  *.zip, *.rar, *.tar, *.7z, *.arc, *.LBR, and even *.iso images.

A direct email is [email protected]

We also use a hardened OwnCloud web file sharing platform for unlimited file transfers. We provide unique and very private Web Storage Portals, this also supports file syncing for extreme convenience for you. Because so much of our work is DOD or weapons design work, Security – and confidentiality is very important to us.

Will CAD / CAM Services Sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?

Yes. NDAs are a common part of our business. All data is yours – not ours, and treated as proprietary data and not for public consumption or use. Probably 70% of our work is under NDA agreements. We can generally get these signed within the day.

What is the estimated delivery time?

It depends on the scope of work:

  • 2D drawings – small quantity, normally 48 hours.  We have several customers where they contract to us, keeping 4-8 drafters busy full time.
  • 3D models – complexity dependent, but smaller jobs in 2-3 days. Some models we have spent months on.  Again, we have several customers where they contract to us, keeping 6-10 3D CAD designers busy full time.

Simple jobs have a lead time of 48 hours. Larger projects are delivered and invoiced weekly.

Did you really own the trademark Cad Perfect™, Cad Perfect CAD Conversions™ and Cad / Cam Services™?

Yes, we did back in 2008. We started using Cad Perfect™ back in the early 1990s because all of our customers wanted only real Cad Perfect™ work. Back then the buzz words were terms like machine ready, or DXF Traceover and others.

The problem is, nobody wanted that. They all wanted drawings and models that they did not have to touch. Everybody wanted drawings just as if they hand redrew the work themselves.

Thus, Cad / Cam Services™ was the first company to start offering ONLY Cad Perfect™ work.

Do you support the PPD-21 Directive?

Yes we do, and have now for several years. In addition, we also support the industry specific plans as well.

3D Modeling FAQs
How do you bill 3D CAD services tasks?

Per hour. Hourly rate depends on what CAD software used and typically starts at $75 per hour.  In general, to make this process safer for you, we often provide you a fixed not to exceed the cost as well.  That way, you are protected from an open-ended PO. However, the reality is our fees are based on time. In addition, services in say Catia or NX are more expensive than say Solidworks. Or, simulation services are commonly done by real engineers.

What do you need to give me accurate pricing?

First of all, we need to know the target CAD system and whether you have an existing  template, or set of CAD standards for this project.

The main question is the overall complexity. As each part and assembly consists of different features and elements the best way is to provide us with an example.  Again, a picture is worth a thousand words.

If you already have a model and need us to improve it or update it in any way we need to know which dimensions and features are critical and which can be modified to achieve your desired result.  Even a before and after example works very well. We started with x, and got to this CAD file.

We can also offer you better options if you provide us with the purpose of your project (demonstration, 3D printing, FEA Simulation, CNC manufacturing, etc.).  This helps us better refine the task.

How do you check your models?

We create 2D drawings from our 3D models for QC purposes. We follow aerospace standards and deliver ±.005” accuracy models for all projects.  All of our QC is done by a different person than the designer. On Catia work, we often use Q-Checker for Airbus.

What is the minimum price for your 3D modeling services?

We have a minimum order fee $150.