How We Build 3D CAD Parts Libraries
At CAD/CAM Services We have a client who is a vendor of parts – all kinds of parts – bolts, nuts, screws, fasteners, pipes, fittings. They have over 150,000 parts drawings that they needed to convert into 3D models in order to make them available over the Internet.
Another client of ours manufactures metal booths, chassis, and furniture. At one time or another, all of these clients have had one thing in common: the need for a vast 3D CAD parts library, based on ANSI standards and compiled from an array of dimensions, parameters, and specifications.
None of these vendors and manufacturers had the in-house personnel available to spend hours, days, or in some cases months creating 3D models. The projects were made more complex because the data for the 3D models came from a variety of sources:
- Excel tables and various databases, containing lists of parameters and configurations of required parts
- 2D vector and raster drawings
- Legacy CAD 3D models and databases
Each of the clients was aware of the importance of the part libraries:
- The models are rich media assets
- They can be published on the clients’ website’s for their customers to use in their own engineering and construction projects
- Being able to save their customers time and resources on creating the models themselves is a huge marketing advantage
- The models and files can be downloaded and directly placed in our clients’ customers’ designs
- The model can be used in engineering, structure building, BIM and other types of projects for faster prototyping
- It’s easier to choose suitable fasteners
- It’s easier to do various simulations and physical calculations.
The final thing that all of these clients have in common is that we produced 3D CAD Model Libraries for each of them that contain all the required parts in multiple CAD formats. This means we have converted thousands upon thousands of parts into a precise solid body 3D model for all major CAD systems. See the accuracy we maintain in the images below.
Do you need a 3D CAD Parts Library? Get more information now, from CAD/CAM.
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