Case Studies

A client needed to convert a hundred of automotive structural parts to CATIA models with .005” accuracy.

The customer required the models to be aligned to the predefined RPS (Reference Points System). Usually, these types of tasks are pretty time-consuming. But in this case, the client has provided problematic 3D scans that they have made in-house. The models acquired with these poor scans were full of holes, and it was tough to recreate initial geometry as the models had a complex filleted geometry. One of the challenges was that it was hard to apply thickness due to many non-tangent surfaces.

At first, our specialists have created the models based on provided meshes. But the surfaces were not matching the RPS points and dimensions. Thus some parts were rescanned at CAD/CAM laser scan facility, with .000025” accuracy. CATIA V5R26 models were build based on rescanned and carefully aligned point clouds, which has satisfied the customer’s needs.
The company acquired top-quality models and used them in their CAD system. These models were ready for manufacturing.
If you are planning to do reverse engineering, it is vital to obtain good quality 3D scans before the reverse engineering process.