Case Studies

Our client, a large company, is a leading aerospace parts producer, capable of fulfilling the most complicated tasks for multinational companies. They are sometimes confronted with an urgent need for CAD file conversion for CAD migration of their clients. This time they had to adjust their work to the standards used by Airbus.
To make things even more complicated they have their own standard of CAD documentation. Many companies with custom standards are afraid of outsourcing their CAD conversion as they fear that their specialists will have to fix outsourced files, which will only increase amounts of time and money spent on the project. But if you are dealing with experts there is nothing to be afraid of.

Our client needed an urgent conversion of a dozen SolidWorks files (.sldprt, .sldasm) into CATIA format (.CATPart, .CATProduct). Their custom CATIA Airbus standard was represented by a 50 page document, which determined file and detail naming, their materials, positioning and rotation as well as default representation of notes and configurations. Special attention was paid to addition of installation and service clearances and moveable part envelopes.
Our specialists thoroughly investigated standard provided by the client and started conversions. Our team manged to recreate all the desired models and assemblies compliant with custom standard paying attention to model breakdowns and other customized parameters.

Later on it was decided to set up a Q-Checker utility provided as a CATIA plugin to automate standard compliance checking. This decision gradually sped up the workflow, so our team was able to meet the target goals. Although Q-Checker was not able to check or repair all possible issues, it was not a problem for our experts.

All the files were accurately packed and named according to client’s standard so all these CAD files were ready to use right away.
The process of changing the focus to CAD was successful with no drawbacks, prolongations or interruptions of the development process. Client was satisfied and our specialists professional horizon was enriched with standard of another organization, which will definitely help our team in further development and migration tasks.